Maren's next appointment was moved from February 22 to March 22, 2010. This appointment will be a check-up type appointment-- they will check oxygen levels via pulse oximetry, take lung x-rays to search for signs of congestive heart failure, and we will talk to the doctor about potentially scheduling an MRI of Maren's heart for a clearer picture of what the latest is. So, we wait...
Maren is 9 months old and is 19 pounds (big girl!). She is close to crawling; up on all fours and scooting around doing the army crawl. She babbles and plays and grabs things. She has been teething for the past couple of weeks and her bottom two teeth have popped through. OUCH!! Her favorite foods are avocado, banana, prunes and zucchini and has started to grab the spoon and try to get it in her mouth to feed herself. Maren's brothers Oliver and Ethan love to "take care of her" by bringing her toys and making her smile and laugh. They call her Mare-Bear.